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Release Notes

Release Notes #

August 22, 2024 #

  1. Optimized product pricing configurations.
  2. Added support for Ctrl + Scroll Wheel to zoom PDF files.
  3. Default setting to collapse unchanged text when comparing file differences.
  4. Optimized compilation task queue to prioritize compilation speed for subscribers.
  5. Added year information to the project’s last modified date.
  6. Enhanced the loading speed of the project file tree.

July 30, 2024 #

  1. Refactor the compilation server to improve compilation speed.
  2. Optimized the compilation cache synchronization strategy.
  3. Launched Paddle payment.

July 15, 2024 #

  1. Debugging compilation logs by AI.
  2. Fixed a bug where files were hidden when scrolling appeared in the file directory.

July 9, 2024 #

  1. Support TeX Live 2024.
  2. Show the selected range of collaborators.
  3. Support for customizing auto-complete lists.
  4. Improve shortcuts in LaTeX snippet editor.
  5. Support set tracking change switch status for all collaborators.
  6. Fix the bug that collaborator review data is not refreshed when all review records are resolved.
  7. Fix the bug that text may not be updated when overwriting a text file.

June 17, 2024 #

  1. Dark mode is now supported for PDF preview.
  2. Sign in and registration with Google account are now available.
  3. Token authorization for git is now supported.
  4. Added setting for cursor blinking functionality.
  5. File outline has been optimized.
  6. Cloud Driver sync has been improved.
  7. Fixed a bug where the LaTeX code could not be generated after resetting the table designer.
  8. Fixed a bug where the file tree generated after version comparison was missing files.

May 24, 2024 #

  1. Optimized the stability of collaborative editing.
  2. Added draft compilation mode.
  3. Optimized the log panel.
  4. PDF presentation mode now supports page navigation shortcut keys: Enter/Shift + Enter and arrow keys.
  5. PDF viewer now supports forward/backward navigation and page navigation.
  6. Split the button for PDF and LaTeX code location into two separate buttons.
  7. Cancelled the default hiding of frame around links in PDF preview.
  8. The collaboration icon turns grey when cursor of collaborator is not within current document.
  9. Removed automatic line break in the compilation log.
  10. Fixed the bug of incorrect filename after downloading a renamed file.

May 1, 2024 #

  1. Document history feature now supports comparing the historical records of any two points in time.
  2. PDF will automatically reload when the loading fails.
  3. The editor now allows search and replace within a selected range.
  4. When hitting enter in itemize and enumerate environments, \item will be automatically added.
  5. Optimized scrollbar style.
  6. Fixed a bug that caused git synchronization to fail when the main branch was missing.
  7. Suspend the free premium plan for inviting users to register.

April 11, 2024 #

  1. Dropbox Integration.
  2. Optimized cloud drive sync speed.
  3. The compilation time for collaborators is based on the maximum compilation time of the collaborator and project owner’s account.
  4. Shows error message when PDF rendering fails.
  5. Automatically selects coupon at checkout.
  6. Automatically focuses when adding annotations.
  7. File-tree supports multiple selection.

March 12, 2024 #

  1. GitHub Integration.
  2. Support setting the default version and allowed to delete the main version.
  3. Change the project update time from the current user’s update time to the update time of all collaborators.
  4. Add the feature of adding affiliation. After joining the institution, the account is automatically upgraded to the Ultimate Plan.
  5. Optimize the template details page.

January 19, 2024 #

  1. Optimized the style file differences are displayed in history.
  2. Improved the logic of automatically refreshing the compile cache.
  3. Automatically updates the user’s language settings.
  4. Optimized the style of the template details page.
  5. Improved git synchronization logic, enhancing git sync stability.
  6. Supports the automatic completion of unclosed begin environments.
  7. Fixed a bug where other files cannot be opened when automatic completion is turned on.
  8. Fixed a bug where renaming a project would create duplicate folders in cloud sync.
  9. Fixed a bug that prevented old-version browsers from loading the page.
  10. Fixed a bug where the page would error out when using regular expressions to search for templates.

December 15, 2023 #

  1. Add the feature of version comparison.
  2. Support generation of revised PDF files.
  3. Add the LaTeX code snippets.
  4. Automate the sorting of autocomplete lists based on user’s usage frequency.
  5. Provide an option to set cloud synchronization as the default mode of operation.

November 17, 2023 #

  1. Added cloud drive synchronization feature, currently supporting synchronization to Baidu Cloud Drive and WebDAV.
  2. Integrated Zotero, allowing import of Zotero bibliographic data.
  3. LaTeX table designer lanuched.
  4. Added file copying feature to file-tree.
  5. Added the feature of resolving review records in batch.

September 28, 2023 #

  1. Default output PDF with using the latex compiler.
  2. Support uplatex.

September 12, 2023 #

  1. Optimize the speed of uploading project zip files.
  2. Enhance the stability of collaborative editing without closing the page for a long period of time.
  3. Fix auto-completer bug with an extra } in some cases.
  4. Fix a bug that caused websockets to disconnect when downloading files.
  5. Disable the syntax checking that comes with your browser.

August 18, 2023 #

  1. Double-click on LaTeX code to jump to PDF location feature supports on/off.
  2. Uploading files supports overwriting.
  3. Optimize LaTeX code auto indentation.
  4. The All New Math Tool launched with support for shortcut input.

August 9, 2023 #

  1. Add the feature of Project History to record the history of all files within the project, and support undo.
  2. Refactoring the Word Cound feature to count words more accurately.
  3. Add project transfer feature to automatically migrate all key data in a project.
  4. Add move to folder feature and support drag and drop to move files.
  5. Optimize the “Last Open at” in the project list to “Last Modified”.
  6. Optimize the clear compilation cache feature.
  7. Optimize uploading and downloading speeds.
  8. Optimize syntax highlighting of .bib files.
  9. Optimize the check rule of version name, support input non-Latin characters.
  10. Optimize the selection style for dark themes in the editor.
  11. Optimize the issue of input lag when there are more compilation logs.
  12. Optimize the compilation speed of lualatex.
  13. Fix the bug that Ctrl/Cmd + d cannot delete the first line.
  14. Fix the bug of file name conflicts when creating files between different versions.
  15. Fix the bug that the standalone PDF preview tab page cannot trigger the automatic jump to the relative LaTeX code location.

June 15, 2023 #

  1. Asynchronous collaboration is launched. Learn more.
  2. Optimize the logic for handling co-editing conflicts.

June 5, 2023 #

  1. Optimize the processing speed of large documents.
  2. Optimize compile task scheduling efficiency.
  3. Priority compilation for VIP users.

May 15, 2023 #

  1. Add drag-and-drop area for drag-and-drop file upload.
  2. Show the number of review records of currently opened files at the review button.
  3. Fix the bug that items in folders are not displayed when they are topped.
  4. Fix the bug that the search panel is wrong when triggering search again after displaying it.

May 7, 2023 #

  1. Support drag and drop and paste for uploading files.

May 5, 2023 #

  1. Add tag management function.
  2. Support setting tags for items.
  3. Support retrieving items by tags.
  4. Support downloading items in batches.

April 14, 2023 #

  1. Record horizontal scrolling position when PDF scrolling.
  2. arse blg files.
  3. Add editor toolbar.
  4. Fix the bug that the document is not refreshed when git syncs to the web.

April 7, 2023 #

  1. Add message function to send messages to collaborators.
  2. Add search function in the project.
  3. PDF preview remembers horizontal scrolling position.

March 23, 2023 #

  1. Support TeX Live 2023.
  2. Support quick opening of already opened files.

March 19, 2023 #

  1. Optimize the position of the Review History button displayed after selecting text from the top of the line to near the selected text.
  2. The formula preview button is changed from showing at the end of the line to showing at the top, which requires the user to put the cursor into the formula first.
  3. The search panel supports displaying the number of matches and the current match position.

January 10, 2022 #

  1. Fix the bug of duplicate display when highlighting pdf position.
  2. Fix the bug that the jump is invalid when opening a new document and setting the code position.

January 4, 2022 #

  1. Add the configuration of automatic line break on/off.
  2. When compile log error message is displayed in the document, the error message is only displayed when the left icon is hovered.
  3. Fix the bug that the highlighting effect is not displayed after Grammarly is enabled.
  4. Synchronize editing data to the server before compiling.

December 28, 2022 #

  1. Add the configuration to switch on/off the compile cache.
  2. When the master file does not exist, prompt the user after compilation.
  3. Add the configuration of stopping compilation in case of error.
  4. Optimize the processing speed of pasting large text.

December 12, 2022 #

  1. The All New LaTeX editor is launched.
  2. Integrate Grammarly.
  3. Auto-completion support for bib files.
  4. Support for real-time preview of formulas in documents.
  5. Add PDF loading animation.
  6. Show unpaired brackets.
  7. Automatic detection of LaTeX compilers when uploading LaTeX projects.
  8. Support for compiling LaTeX projects with multiple master files (Ctrl + Enter / Cmd + Enter).
  9. Support for multi-selection bolding (Ctrl + B / Cmd + B).
  10. The Synchronization of LaTeX code and PDF positions with Opt/Alt + Click support.
  11. LaTeX editor-related settings changed to take effect globally.

October 11, 2022 #

  1. The Basic Edition package has been added to the subscription plan.
  2. After purchasing the package, the rights to document editing history are automatically granted to collaborators.
  3. Optimize the document editing history processing logic to show the document modification history instantly after clicking Refresh.